Diets and timetables

Find the date, time and location of your exams.

Extenuating circumstances information

Students who believe that extenuating circumstances exist which prevent them from sitting an examination in the scheduled time or venue should contact their Personal Tutor and Student Support Team. Their case is considered by the relevant Dean and Student Administration in consultation with the Convener of the Board of Examiners. Examples of extenuating circumstances are: religious observance; elite participation where students are representing their country at national or international level. Travel arrangements, early departure during the semester, holidays, learning adjustments (under regulation 18 above), etc. do not constitute extenuating circumstances. (Assessment Regulation 22.2).

Changes can occur to the timetable therefore please ensure that you recheck your exam details immediately prior to your examination(s).

Factors which may adversely affect your performance in an examination or in assessed coursework over the year, such as personal illness or the illness of a close relative or partner, must be drawn to the attention of the examiners in writing by you as soon as possible and, in any event, before the meeting of the Board of Examiners. This is usually done via your Personal Tutor or Postgraduate Programme Director.

Example: CRSE12345
Example: Accounting